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Storytelling: narrative structures7 Topics|4 Quizzes
Language of media6 Topics|3 Quizzes
Storytelling With Data II. - Digital investigations in an era of data-driven journalism7 Topics|4 Quizzes
Infographics - Present statistics beautifully7 Topics|3 Quizzes
Charts in a website - Hack web developer tools for your stories7 Topics|3 Quizzes
Introductory to lesson
Creating a website is a personal way to become involved in a subject as well as a creative gesture
Make the most compatible as possible subject and aesthetic of your website through Google Sites
How be professional and have validity in publication?
Final Exercise of the whole lesson
Feedback on exercise
Additional learning material
Introductory to lesson
Online GIS6 Topics|2 Quizzes
Media analyses8 Topics|4 Quizzes
Using Piktochart to create infographics7 Topics|3 Quizzes
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
Dear participant,
Thank you for joining this short and comprehensive course on how to use Piktochart to make infographics.
We will begin the course with exploring the concept of infographics and the benefits of using them. Then we will have an overview of the Piktochart website architecture, templates and tools of making infographics as well as you will see a few example infographics created in Pitkochart.
Finally, you will have the chance to apply your new skills, creating an infographic with the help of Piktochart.
We hope you enjoy the course! Good luck!