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Creating a website is a personal way to become involved in a subject as well as a creative gesture
Make the most compatible as possible subject and aesthetic of your website through Google Sites
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Make the most compatible as possible subject and aesthetic of your website through Google Sites
Mil 9 September 2021
The idea of this new chapter is to create the most attractive website possible, holding people’s attention and making them want to stay and discover more and more of the contents.
For that, we have to go over the aesthetic approach: we have to form a coherent whole between your subject, intention, and the way to share it.
Here, the first step will be to find a “catchphrase”, summarizing basically your topic in order to display your topic.
Then, the second step will be a consideration of what you really want to share, deeply: which feeling, which way you want to take to display your themes.
And finally, the third step of this chapter will be a deeper exploration of Google Sites options, going over the basic functionalities studied just before in creating a playful plateforme, well thought out.
2.1 The importance of the “catch phrase”
Finding a “catch phrase” to introduce your website is one of the most important things to do, and not the simplest : you have to say enough to arouse curiosity, but not too much to let people have the desire to discover more.
It’s summarizing your topic, but… Not only that. It’s a welcomed sentence or paragraph, a short presentation that must reveal through the lines the singularity and uniqueness of your website.
Find a video maybe, or examples on others websites.
Customer Value Proposition or CVP – Importance, Types and 10+ Examples on Value Proposition (246)
2.2 The importance to put sense and meaning in your choices
The same story, the same tale, could be narrated through one hundred ways.
We are indeed accustomed to say that in every work, there are two aspects:
- The content
- The form, the style.
Through the form and style, we can always bring something new even if the content behind is usual, common or not very original.
In this lesson, all of you have already found a subject. Maybe a subject that the other classmates don’t have…
Or have. In that case, never mind and thanks to the form and the style : because of them, you can, despite that, offer something original and singular in using your own way to share, your own way to display and to show that matters to you.
This is exactly why putting sense and meaning in your choice is very important and will allow you to have a singular website: it’s exactly the aim for this subsection.
For that, I invite you to have a consideration and reflection of your aim. Why have you wanted to talk about this? Which roads would you like to take, which tone would you like to use, which atmosphere would you like to spread along the articles, the colors, the police?
Do you want to be minimalist in your presentation (with a relaxing subject) or on the contrary, with loads of information, details, options?
Don’t hesitate to step back a moment from your website as it is right now, in its first structure, to feel in hindsight, intuitively or after reflection, how to highlight your topic the most effectively as you can, the most in harmony with yourself as you can.
You can write on a paper your aesthetic and atmosphere intention, drawing something, looking at pictures or listening to music that inspires you.
The purpose of this, to repeat it again, it’s enjoying and do something that looks like you.
2.3 How emphasize your subject with Google Sites options
Now, we enter finally into a concrete practice: you have your “catchphrase” (that may change after consideration if you want), already the outline of your layout drawn up previously, and you have thought about your artistic intention and ways you would like to share your thematics.
So, move on presently to Google Sites functionalities to implement them in concrete terms. But, this time not just basically as in the chapter one, but in-depth, with much more details.
The idea here is to emphasize your topic with everything at your service in Google Sites: support your words with pictures, put websites inside websites (through the “Embed” option), elaborate in detail your table of contents in thinking about a coherent plan.
Have fun in trying to create a playful platform: a platform you would like to visit yourself if it was not yours. Many ergonomic options are available: collapsible, image carousel, slides, buttons…
You can follow this video that explains all steps in creating your website with Google Sites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BhCVvFWEtE
Look up the caption beneath the video: there are details and explanations for each part.
Now, you master Google Sites well and you are on a roll.
After this discovery of customizing your website and reflection behind your intention, subject, main lines, move on to the next and serious step: the one of Research.