Storytelling: narrative structures7 Topics|4 Quizzes
Language of media6 Topics|3 Quizzes
Storytelling With Data II. - Digital investigations in an era of data-driven journalism7 Topics|4 Quizzes
Infographics - Present statistics beautifully7 Topics|3 Quizzes
Charts in a website - Hack web developer tools for your stories7 Topics|3 Quizzes
Introductory to lesson
Creating a website is a personal way to become involved in a subject as well as a creative gesture
Make the most compatible as possible subject and aesthetic of your website through Google Sites
How be professional and have validity in publication?
Final Exercise of the whole lesson
Feedback on exercise
Additional learning material
Introductory to lesson
Online GIS6 Topics|2 Quizzes
Media analyses8 Topics|4 Quizzes
Using Piktochart to create infographics7 Topics|3 Quizzes
How do you want to pursue the website after this course?
Yes, you now have your website and your datas.
And the lesson is soon coming to an end.
During the few remaining minutes, I suggest you envisage your website for the next. It was an interesting process today, but it could be even more if the process will go on later, going over the simple academic approach to become a real project that you maintain on your own.
This chapter is informal, and of course, none obligation will force you doing anything.
But, let’s see what consideration we can put forward, in, as usual, three steps more metaphorical than any others since the beginning.
The first will focus on the fact of half-opening doors, the second, on new roads to take with a crossover approach, and the third, more concrete though, on sharing your website.
5.1 Half-open many doors in our mind during the process
By chance, haven’t you, despite yourself, half-opened other doors during your process? Doors toward them you didn’t want or dare venture to it, but that you noticed anyway?
If the answer is yes, great, you can start drawing up a list of them. If the answer is no, don’t worry: bring your attention to your website, to your subject, to your themes. Do you think you have explored all the possibilities, all the ways, everything? Or do you think that you can look deeper into some elements, some approach?
So, what I suggest you do right now is to make an inventory of them, put them on paper, in your mind, and make you want, again, to immerse yourself in it later.
Let these other ideas inspire yourself until pursuing your work and website once later.
5.2 Dare to try and work in news roads, to have a crossover approach
In the same vein, do not hesitate to take unexpected and new roads, to make bridges between two subjects, to consider updating your website later if you think it’s necessary, to go after new Research: in other terms, to have a crossover approach.
No one is obligating you to keep the same website, the same lines : you can change and update it when you want. Even if you want to entirely change your thematics, it is possible.
We won’t repeat it enough but, if any purpose there is, it is only to enjoy yourself.
5.3 Share your website
From now, or in the future, as soon as you feel ready for that, you could share your website with your close relation to open conversations around your subject and still arouse your desire to look after it, again and again.
Maybe even, you would like to share it with most of your friends, most people.
Only you would know!
Thank you for following this course. I hope it was an interesting experience and process for you, that you have passed a good moment and have enjoyed yourself, and that maybe it will give you the envy to pursue it later, on your own, just for pleasure.
From now on, you can be assured that you’re able to find ideas and thematics that are mindful for you and that you’re able to create an entirely new website with much information, both in writing and graphically.
I hope you took pleasure in producing it and learned things that were unknown to you before that, and that you leave this course with the satisfaction of having made something creative.
Henceforth, you have a website in your possession and are free to come back and work on it anytime and anywhere.