Back to Course 6. DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP AND MEDIA 0% Complete 0/0 Steps Digital citizenship 6 Topics | 2 Quizzes Introduction to lesson Typology of digital citizenship and education Typology of Digital Citizenship and Education - Quiz Advocacy for a change and the best tools Advocacy for a change and the best tools - Quiz Final exercise Feedback on exercise Additional learning material Rights and limits of online participation (on social media) 7 Topics | 3 Quizzes Introduction to lesson Freedom of speech vs. Rise of hate speech Freedom of speech vs. Rise of hate speech - Quiz Modern threats of the digital age Modern threats of the digital age - Quiz Netiquette Netiquette - Quiz Final exercise Feedback on exercise Additional learning material Hate-speech spread by extremist movements 7 Topics | 3 Quizzes Introduction to lesson Ideological basics of extreme right Ideological basics of extreme right - Quiz Problem of hate speech on the internet Problem of hate speech on the internet - Quiz Communication strategies of extremists Communication strategies of extremists - Quiz Final exercise Feedback on exercise Additional learning material GDPR and Public Data 7 Topics | 3 Quizzes Introductory to lesson Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence - Quiz RapidMiner RapidMiner - Quiz Discover the software Discover the software - Quiz Final Exercise of the whole lesson Feedback on exercise Additional learning material Participants2 Alethea 1xSlotsreork Admin mqXFHumT AustÄ—ja 6. DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP AND MEDIA Digital citizenship Feedback on exercise In Progress Lesson 1, Topic 5 In Progress ← Previous Next → Feedback on exercise Mil 9 September 2021 Lesson Progress 0% Complete Please share your feedback and comments in the forum.