At first hearing, it may seem that active citizenship is only participation in elections, referendums, petitions, or demonstrations. In fact, it takes many more forms. There are also various types of engagement, where individuals or a group formally or informally decides to change the opinion of a certain group, part of society or the whole society through a project or campaign. This category also includes volunteering for various organizations aim to help others, general progress in various areas of society, education, etc. In today’s digital age, it’s really easy to be heard by people. All you need is a good idea and even without financial resources you can design and expand an awareness raising campaign among the target group. Advocacy is also directly based on active participation.
Another form of active participation that falls into the category of “political participation” is advocating for a change towards policy makers in order to bring a change in policy in a certain area. Would you think that as an individual and, moreover, a young person, you do not have the strength or the resources to make such a change? Mistake, it may not always be difficult and we will show you ways to achieve it. In short, active participation means being involved in processes, institutions or decisions that affect the lives of a smaller and larger part of society.
Short exercise: Try to find at least three examples of a local or national campaign of a selected group of activists advocating for change in a particular policy area. Compare the campaigns and try to answer the following questions: 1. What topics do they address? Do you think these are important topics for the society? 2. Would you personally support the campaign? 3. Were their social media campaigns effective? Did they get enough public attention? 4. Were there campaigns in the media as well? 5. Did they manage to advocate for change directly to policy makers as well? 6. Has there really been a change in politics or greater awareness raising among the people? 7. Which of the three selected campaigns do you think is the most successful? |