Online hate speech goes hand in hand with cyberbullying, which is being encountered by an increasing number of younger Internet users. In today’s digital age a part of daily reality of children and teenagers is happening on the Internet and it got even worse during the Covid-19 pandemic. Uncontrolled video game playing is also very dangerous, which does not contribute to the child’s healthy mental development. In recent years, children’s gambling addiction has begun to appear, secretly investing their parents’ money in buying a lottery, thanks to which they can get tools for their favorite game. However, in connection with our topic, it is important to take a closer look at the negative phenomenon of today – cyberbullying, whose manifestations may be hidden at first and the child usually admits to his parents or teachers that he/she is a victim only when it is too late. It is therefore important that youth workers have sufficient knowledge of this topic and can prevent it. Except for Cyberbullying there are more types of online threats that can have a very negative effects.
Assignment: Online bullying and other inappropriate behavior through my eyes Nowadays, online bullying and other forms of inappropriate behavior in the online environment are extremely widespread. Try to search the media and find a specific cases in your country where a young person has been the victim of the following practices: Cyberbullying Cyber-grooming Cyber-mobbing Cyberstalking Try to find out if the aggressors have been caught and punished. How was this topic communicated in the media? Do you think there is sufficient awareness of these issues in your country? What effect did the cases have on specific victims? |