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  1. Chain of critical thinking
    7 Topics
    3 Quizzes
  2. Development of Critical thinking in the Community
    7 Topics
    3 Quizzes
  3. How to measure the impact?
    7 Topics
    3 Quizzes
  4. Tools for checking the information and image verification
    7 Topics
    3 Quizzes
  5. AI against fake news
    7 Topics
    3 Quizzes
Lesson 3, Topic 5
In Progress

Final exercice to the whole lesson

Mil 18 February 2022
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

Now, imagine that you, the researcher, are making the program that is addressing the issue of your choice (you can choose the same issue as you did for your first assignment, or choose a new one). 

Using the knowledge you have gained while analysing real life examples of data triangulation, make a plan of how you would conduct an impact assessment of your program. Your plan should include three different methods that assess the impact of your program. 

If using surveys, you can use a refined version of the survey from the first assignment or make a new one. Make up no less than 10 questions. 

As for the other methods, write down how you would implement them: what respondents would you choose, questions you would ask, how you would solve the problems that could arise in the implementation period.