Chain of critical thinking7 Topics|3 Quizzes
Introductory to lesson
What is Non-formal Education and what is its impact on the community?
Development of critical thinking using informal methods
Non-formal methods for changing stereotypes, interactions and critical thinking
Final Exercise of the whole lesson
Feedback on exercise
Additional learning material
Introductory to lesson
Development of Critical thinking in the Community7 Topics|3 Quizzes
How to measure the impact?7 Topics|3 Quizzes
Tools for checking the information and image verification7 Topics|3 Quizzes
AI against fake news7 Topics|3 Quizzes
Dear participant, we invite you to practive the skills and proof your competences. Firstly, watch a video that explains how to proceed having not enough data and how to find it?
In the video we are sharing with you the image verification tools. Watch carefully as you will need these skills to put yourself in the shoes of an investigative journalist straight away!
It is time to practice now!
We collected some examples for you: are you ready to prove your competences? You will find answers in the end of this lesson. Let’s check if you can identify if it is fake or not

Is it true or Fake?
What made you doubt?
What tools did you use to verify it?
An Instagram influencer is posting pictures of his trip to Brazil. Can you verify one of his pictures?

Where was this picture shot?
Can you rank the following engines from 1 to 5 being 1 the engine that provides the best results (the higher number of results and the most accurate) and 5 the worse results (few or none results and not accurate)
You find a photo from your last trip, and you would like to remember the names of the places you visited

Where did you take this picture?
Can you name at least two of the buildings on the picture?
Which tools and techniques did you use?
A journalist friend who’s investigating a very delicate topic sends you a photo of a video that she saw. She could only take a photo of someone else’s computer, so the quality isn ́t very good. She wants to know what video is that, when it was published and by whom.

What topic is your friend investigating and what’s the name of the person on the photo?
What’s the link to the original video?
When was it published for the first time? Specify date and time
Who posted it? What’s the link of the source?
You’re at a family dinner and everyone is talking about the news that your cousin shared from a website that says that Vladimir Putin is in possession of the famous Munch’s picture “The Scream”. You need to show them evidences that this is a fake

Can you find the original picture or an original exactly from the same place?
Can you find other fakes of the same picture?
On what site was this picture created?
You’re walking on the street and suddenly you find this car. You and your friend are wondering which car is it. Your friend is sure that it is a Porsche, but you’re not sure.

Can you find out which is the model of this car?
Are you ready to see the answers?
Check yourself:
QUIZ 1 :
Is it true or Fake?
What made you doubt?
It’s not signed / It caused me the Wow effect / There are no references (location, date, data about the research…) / It doesn ́t answer any of the W’s
What tools did you use to verify it?
Image reverse search: Yandex shows as 3rd result a website with this picture in an article that talks about pictures of people generated by AI: This person is not real
Where was this picture shot?
In Lisbon (Portugal)
Can you rank the following engines from 1 to 5 being 1 the engine that provides the best results (the higher number of results and the most accurate) and 5 the worse results (few or none results and not accurate)
Google, Tineye, Yandex, Bing, Baidu
- Yandex provides the higher number of results and tells exactly what is on the picture
- Bing: provides a lot of similar results and at least 2 matches with ur picture, telling us where and what it is
- Google: it provides plenty of results, but none of them matches our picture. It recognizes it is a commercial building
- Baidu: same as Google, but mostly pictures of China
- Tineye: it could find any result as it is and original image that was never published online
Where did you take this picture?
Shangai, China
Can you name at least two of the buildings on the picture?
- Oriental Pearl TV Tower
- The Jinmao Tower
- Shangai world Finantial Centre
- The Shangai Tower
Which tools and techniques did you use?
Reverse Image Search / Crop tool for the different buildings / Google maps (once you find one you can find the rest)
What topic is your friend investigating and what’s the name of the person on the photo?
Yihad / Anna Erelle
What’s the link to the original video?
When was it published for the first time? Specify date and time
2015-01-27, 10:23:43 (UTC)
Who posted it? What’s the link of the source?
Robert Laffon youtube Channel:
On what site was this picture created?
https://photofunia.com/ (other similar sites are: funphotobox.com and Picjoke.com)
Can you find out which is the model of this car?
Tesla model 3 (it’s difficult even for the browsers)
Thank you for participating in the course. Let us check your knowledge in the quiz. Keep your eyes open!