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  1. What is media and information literacy? (Basic meaning)
    7 Topics
    3 Quizzes
  2. MIL history and reasons why it appears?
    7 Topics
    3 Quizzes
  3. Practical Approaches to Media Literacy in the World
    7 Topics
    3 Quizzes
  4. Post-modernic MIL theories
    7 Topics
    3 Quizzes
Lesson 4 of 4
In Progress

Post-modernic MIL theories

Mil 9 September 2021


Smartphones and our whole lives in them are like a black box that fixes everything. Infinite, multi-dimensional, multi-themed space – the Internet. The smartphone is available whenever we want and almost anywhere, we want. Although our watch and shoes can be smart today, and whatever we want. 2018 International Exhibition of Smart Technologies in Barcelona presented a robot that, when touched by a human hand, can not only determine its physiological data, but also its mood. Today, we are surrounded by holograms, robots, vocaloids, humanoids that appeal to our feelings and desires, “saying” that they can fulfill them in an instant. Artificial intelligence, whose algorithm is constantly being improved, is already able to learn its behavior from man. It is all like a magic box or a realistically accessible world of fairy tales, a continuation of our thoughts, aspirations, desires and other moral things (a kind of container).

who and what are we? The same biological organic organisms!

We will try to understand post-modern theories throught the comics and explanations.