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New models, new journalism7 Topics|4 Quizzes
Building trust in the media and journalism7 Topics|3 Quizzes
Trust and bias: how often unconscious bias is eroding trust in news7 Topics|3 Quizzes
The role of the journalism when hate is on increase7 Topics|3 Quizzes
Cyber security on social networks7 Topics|3 Quizzes
What is open data journalism and why we need skills to search for data7 Topics|2 Quizzes
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For the final assignment, I invite you to read more about news and media startups. Below you can find links to information about the most successful media startups. Choose one startup and analyze:
- What is the goal of the startup?
- What financing model startup is using? Why in your opinion this model was chosen?
- From your perspective, what challeges the startup is facing?
Explore news and media startups here:
Good luck!