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What is media and information literacy? (Basic meaning)7 Topics|3 Quizzes
Introductory to the lesson "What is media and infomation literacy?"
The process of media and information literacy
Getting depper: what is computer, digital, internet and news literacy?
Getting depper: what is advertising, cinema, television and gaming literacy?
Final test of the lesson "What is media and infomation literacy?"
Feedback of the lesson “What is media and information literacy?”
Additional learning material
Introductory to the lesson "What is media and infomation literacy?"
MIL history and reasons why it appears?7 Topics|3 Quizzes
Introduction to the lesson MIL history and reasons why it appears?
What We Talk About When We Talk About MIL education
Genesis and evolution of media (in) education
Evolution and ecology of media and information literacy terminology
Final test of the topic "MIL history and reasons why it appears?"
Feedback of the lesson "MIL history and reasons why it appears?"
Additional learning material
Introduction to the lesson MIL history and reasons why it appears?
Practical Approaches to Media Literacy in the World7 Topics|3 Quizzes
Post-modernic MIL theories7 Topics|3 Quizzes
Introduction to the lesson
Why is it important where and how you get information?
What happens when the pursuit of benefit becomes a value
How simulation affects public behavior today
Final test of the lesson "Post-modern MIL theories
Has knowledge of postmodern MIL theories been helpful?
Additional learning material
Introduction to the lesson
Lesson Progress
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Dear participant,
Welcome to the course „Practical Approaches to media literacy in the world“.
Media literacy is an essential skill that each of us should possess nowadays. How to choose relevant information sources, how to check the source and what information can we rely on? These questions we will answer during the course.
In the course you will explore interesting interviews with experts, recommended readings to deapen your knoweledge. You are encouraged to take quizes to check your new possessed skills.
We hope that you are going to enjoy the course and we wish you good luck!